Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Genetic Risk And Outcome Of Psychosis - 1636 Words

Genetic Risk and Outcome of Psychosis (GROUP) Introduction Problem The article that I chose to critique had a clear statement of the purpose of the study. The purpose was briefly stated in the first paragraph of the introduction and restated again more specifically in the last paragraph. Many researches have been conducted to understand the etiology of schizophrenia, such as genetic factors or environmental factors thus, I believe the problem is researchable. A brief background of the definition the term schizophrenia is defined in the introduction and much information about the topic is explained throughout the introduction. I believe the article indicates all the variables that were investigated and they explained why each variable was†¦show more content†¦The sources cited were mostly primary sources of other studies similar to the researchers study. Conversely, although the research article had excellent references, none of the research of the reference cited was compared or contrast with the study the researcher conducted. I fe el that the researcher should have compared and contrasted the previous studies in the references to that of his own. The researcher simple just summarized the references that was cited in the article and explained the relevance to the current study. Nonetheless, I believe the review is well organized because each paragraph is discussed in order and all the information is in one place rather than all over in different paragraphs. I believe the researcher did not summarize the literature because they go on to discuss their own study. Lastly, I think the implication discussed forms an empirical rationale for the hypotheses. Hypotheses In the article, there was not a section that stated hypothesis; however, there was a section named power calculations which stated the calculations that needed to be done in order to reach the hypothesis. The hypothesis is also stated in a section called objective. There were not any specific questions addressed in the article. I feel that the researcher should have listed some questions to better understand the hypotheses; nonetheless, the hypotheses are still clear. I

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